Friday, December 17, 2010

DIY Xmas garland

Sorry i haven't been blogging for a long time. Most of this time i spent on our new release i wrote about in my last post as well as preparing some nice stuff for tonight's poetry evening which i'm gonna write about in my next post. I also had to find Xmas presents and other stuff for my relatives in Murmansk (we're going there for the Xmas holiday!!). In between those things i had time to decorate my apartment a little and make two nice Xmas garlands:

For these garlands i needed:

- strong white thread
- different wooden and/or shiny beads
- craft paper with nice patterns
- fabric with a nice pattern
- shapes for gingerbreads
- carton
- scissors
- liquid paper glue
- glitter
- all kinds of shiny stuff that can be added (golden stars, little bells etc)

I used gingerbread shapes to cut out animals, flowers, bells and angels out of carton, fabric and craft paper. Fabric shapes were glued on both sides of each carton shape. All the shapes were hung on the main thread with the help of the beads and normal white or red sewing thread. For the beads to stay in one place on the main thread, i've brought the thread twice through each bead. All the other glitter and shiny stuff was hanged in random order between the shapes.

This is the only Xmas decoration Notka cannot reach and ruin. She eats my Xmas tree and plays with the lights :)

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