Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New lens

I finally got myself a new lens. Canon EF 50mm f/1.8! I used a kit lens before and i was quite unhappy with it, but i could not afford anything more than that. I am still happy i bought the camera anyway and didn't wait to have enough money for both camera and a lens. I've learnt a lot even with a kit lens. Now i finally got some money for quite cheap but a really nice and sweet 50mm. The day i got it i couldn't stop taking pictures and being happy for the nice bokeh and colors.

Mitya's mom had her birthday party the same day my lens arrived. I've spent the whole party taking pictures of the things around the house.

I'm really happy with the lens, it is exactly what i expected it to be: small, light and giving good results.

And guess what? I am getting another one soon!

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