Friday, September 2, 2011

Last Weekend Before School Starts: Crocheted Jar Cozies

After having finished my stash basket i've started working on jar cozies that i wanted to do for a long time. I really needed them to cover the boring looking jars in my apartment.

First, i've done the grey jar cozy. I followed a tutorial first, but my jar's shape was different from the one in the tutorial, so i continued on my own. Unfortunately, i don't have a link to the tutorial anymore, i saved the pdf on my computer. But it wasn't anything difficult, just making a chain long enough to wrap around the bottom of the jar. Then half double crocheting the whole way, adding or skipping stitches when needed, depending on the shape of the jar.

After having finished the grey jar cozy i realized it isn't difficult at all, so i made another one for the plastic pot in which i keep the basil. I've added the last row with a wavy stitch to make it even prettier.

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